"My Father, Arthur Ekrem, Sr. - was murdered with a handgun - the killer was never caught .....
Arthur Ekrem - Founder of EVGCOA
The "End Gun Violence Cooperative" (EGVCOA) is a unique consulting firm founded by Arthur Ekrem to honor his late father who was mudered with a handgun. The organization is structured specifically to bring together other gun violence organizations and grass roots groups in good standing to maintian a unified lobbying voice in Washington DC along with Corpoate Partners. Until now, not enough is getting done on this front, and when it does - it comes to slowly. With over 30 years in the halls of our nations Capital and at The White House, we stand poised to make a permanent difference.
What separates us from other anti-gun groups, is that we believe the answer for meaningful change is found in the voices of those who have been impacted by gun violence and those who simply are not willing to allow the madness to continue. While the great efforts of groups like the Brady Campaign and others have kept the message in the mainstream, we will now redirect the fight in a meaningful and lasting way. While many feel that nothing is permanently getting done in DC, that day is upon us - and that day is now. It is our mission to help legislate meaningful gun control and nationwide consumer awareness. We will continue to work with major US Corporations by educating them as to how the gun violence issue is/will damage their brand. Some of the major Corporations already taking this matter to the street and terminating relationships or distancing themselves from the gun industry and the NRA are:
- Bank of America
- First National Bank of Omaha
- The Hertz Corp
- MetLife Inc
- Enterprise Holdings Inc
- Symantec Corp
- Chubb Ltd
- Best Western
- Wyndham Hotels
- United Airline
- Delta Airlines
- Avis Rental Car
- TrueCar
- Budget Rental Car
And we will see to it that this list continues to grow until we have the ears of the men and women on Capital Hill who will legislate change or lose their seat. Even with so many gun violence nonprofits and organizations making great strides, there remains a fragmenting of efforts on Capitol Hill and the White House. The "End Gun Violence Cooperative" (EGVCOA) will band together with our brother and sister organizations and our nations youth movement for a combined and full on assault towards meaningful legislation to reduce and stop gun violence in the United States.
a collection of people or groups involved in mutual assistance
toward a common goal, action or result
